Tuesday, April 25, 2023

An open letter to the managers of the SoCalGas Marketplace,

I am the owner of Technical Pool Repair. I have been servicing and installing gas pool heaters in the SoCalGas territory since 1998. 

A pool heater is not simply an appliance that you plug in. It must be installed. But before that, it must be sized correctly to ensure that it receives enough gas for complete combustion and that it is installed on a system whose water flow is a good match for the flow requirements of the heater. For these reasons it is important that heaters be replaced under the guidance of properly trained contractors. It is irresponsible of the SoCalGas Marketplace to encourage home owners to purchase heaters online based on a few choices listed on your site. Home owners do not know about gas requirements or water flow. They almost invariably choose a heater that is less than ideal for their situation. If an oversized heater is installed where there is inadequate gas supply, it will result it incomplete combustion which means excessive pollution. It also means that this pollution -- this soot -- will soon be obstruct air flow through the heat exchanger. The heater will destroy itself in only a couple of years. This is why it is irresponsible to have the SoCalGas Marketplace set up as you currently do. 

The responsible way for SoCalGas to set up such a program would be to funnel interested pool owners to qualified contractors and then work together with those contractors. 

Additionally, the heaters listed on the SoCalGas Marketplace are not the most efficient nor the most current models. This is in part because the manufacturers have realized all of what I said about about sizing and professional consultations and have decided not to sell their any of their products or at least not the newest and most efficient models online. Manufactures in the last few years have realized the essential role that contractors play. Moreover, they realize that this role must begin with an initial consultation in which recommendations are made. A pool heater installer is not just someone who shows up to install whatever is purchased. A pool heater contractor must be involved in the selection as well as the installation. Not all heaters will work on all sites.   


Clint Combs 

Technical Pool Repair

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